10/3/16 - 27/3/16


Small Print on Paper

Small Print on Paper: Project 01

Small Print on Paper is a new Manchester publisher of books, artists works and everything in between. Project 01 is a new collaborative book of photography by the owners of Smallprint, Alex Lewis and Daniel Dobson.

The book is a study in vision and perspective, as after ten years of friendship, but never working together, the pair were struck by the similarities in their shots. For the project, Daniel and Alex shot a set of spontaneous, diary-like and personal images, then used javascript code to create truly random positioning for the 85 photographs within the book.

We’re pleased to welcome Daniel and Alex to PLY for the launch of the book in the form of an exhibition in which this random selection of images is reflected into all the design choices from the book cover, flyer design, to the positioning of frames for the exhibit of 50 of the images in PLY.

The photographs take a look into how the removal of authorship creates a new form of collaboration. By combining their photographs as one, the artists give up their own perspective.
