1/12/15 - 1/3/16


PLY and Everyone!

Fix Up, Look Sharp – Call for Contributions

Everyone knows art is important to us here at PLY and so are YOU, so we’d like to invite you all to be a part of our next exhibition.
We want to fill the art spaces with your faces.
Throughout the next couple of months, we’ll be leaving digital cameras around the bar, for you to use to take photos of you and your friends having ALL the fun at PLY.
Alternatively, you can send your PLY pics to us via Facebook, Instagram or Twitter (@plymcr) using the hashtag #FixUpLookSharp, you can also email your images to hello at plymcr.co.uk.
The exhibition, which will be a selection of the images collected in the early part of 2016, will launch in March. We look forward to seeing you there – in print and #IRL
